Who We Are

Behind Spin BioSystems is a leading team of multidisciplinary experts spanning expertise across molecular biology, biochemistry, chemistry, and physics. Research from this group on the topic of membrane proteins has published in 100+ journal articles and are amongst the most cited in the field.

Our Leadership Team

  • Professor Xin Zhao


    Professor Zhao founded Spin BioSystems and serves as its CEO responsible for all technical aspects of the business. He brings 30+ years of experience in the field of protein research. Professor Zhao has 2 PhDs in Biochemistry and Radio spectroscopy and is currently a Professor at East China Normal University heading up its NMR group.

  • Professor Anthony Watts


    Professor Watts brings 40+ years of experience at the cutting edge of biophysics. He is currently chair of the British Biophysical Society, Managing Editor of the European Biophysical Journal and a Senior Scientist at ISIS, Rutherford Appleton Laboratories at which he is also director of the Biological Solid State NMR facility. Until 2017 he was Vice-Principal of St. Hugh’s College Oxford where he is still an Emeritus Fellow.